Census 2020
Using animation and social media to encourage Houstonians to fill out their Census.
When the Census rolls around, the questions surrounding it do too. Why is the government wanting to know all of this information and why are they collecting data?
In 2020 I teamed up with the Black Sheep Agency and Houston, Texas to create digital outreach in order to help folks understand how the Census works for us.
Scope of Work
Art Direction
Project's Goal
in 2020 the city of Houston, Texas and the civic organization Yes Census teamed up to encourage residents to fill out and and submit their census. The issue faced was the lack of knowledge around what the census does and can achieve. That's where clever animation and digestible information come in.
About the Art
I wanted hand-drawn elements paired with simple, to-the-point information to streamline the thesis. Throughout the animation, the census turns into different elements; federal dollars, representation in Congress, and voting districts. This was a fun challenge of finding the simplest path to explaining a complex system.
Scroll to see the frames.
Art Direction , Illustration, & Animation
Mere Montgomery
Black Sheep Agency
YES Census 2020